Thursday, September 20, 2007

Soooooo desperate for a break!!!!!!!!

This week is the worst week in my life!!!! I've never been that busy before!!! Katakana quizzes everyday, Japanese hw everyday, skit due, cultural presentation due, Chem test on Wed, Psyc test on Thurs, Bio test on Fri, med volunteer training... endless list of things!!!!! I'm extremely exhausted & stressed!!!!!! How the heck do I end up with sooooo many readings that I haven't done?????!!!! This is just absurd & crazy!!!! I'm definitely suffering from a brain dead right now. I think I'm just stupid as hell coz I spend at least 2 hours on Japanese every single day but I still suck at it~ It takes up my majority of time but I still do well at all. ah... soooo depressing~!!!! oops, time to go study more now! thanks for bearing with my complaints~ arigatoo gozaimashu~



should be "gozaimasu"~

Sato said...

I hope the week went well. I know how frustrating if there are too many things to do. if there are too many things to do.
I am still in the process of learning to mange time :)

がんばってください(Good luck/do the best)!

Vivien Shum said...
