Friday, October 5, 2007

sooooo exhausted.... i'm glad that finally it's friday n we got a long weekend!!!! yet, i can't be slacking though... instead, i need to use this time wisely to catch up with all the materials in every single class that i'm in~ yes, i do mean every single class~ how did i get soooo behind with everything??? hell knows~ anyway, i did extremely bad in japn class this whole week. it's soooo depressing to see how low my participation grades are~ i tried hard already but i'm still lost in class~ hopefully, this break will refresh my mind so i can start over again! ^^


グラント・ウーラード said...

Now that you live in Southwest Virgina like me, you'll have ample opportunity to catch up on your work. There is NOTHING else to do there.

Enjoy your weekend!

Sato said...

シャムさん、がんばってください(Do your best/good luck)!

Vivien Shum said...

haha, ウ-ラードさん、i agree with u so much i definitely slacked off n did nth over the long weekend~

Vivien Shum said...

さとせんせい、はい。also, u really helped me a lot yesterday.ありがとうございます。^^